Sarawak Premier Test Rides First Hydrogen Powered Smart Rail Tram

September 7, 2023

On the afternoon of September 6th, Abang Haji,Chief Minister of Sarawak , Datuk Lee Kim Shin, assistant Minister for Tourism, Art and Culture , Tan Sri Datuk Amar Abdul Aziz Husain, Chairman of the Economic Development Bureau, Xing Weiping, Consul General of the Consulate General of Kuching, Sarawak, Gu Yifeng, General Secretary and Chairman of CCIG, and Peng Zhonghong, General Manager of CRRC Zhixing, attended the promotion ceremony of the second phase of the concept validation of smart rail trains and tried riding the first hydrogen energy smart rail.

Abang Haji,Chief Minister of Sarawak praises the Smart Rail Transit

Abang Haji,Chief Minister of Sarawak stated in an interview at a media conference that although there were many people taking the test ride and the carriages were full of passengers, the experience was very comfortable and he was full of confidence in the smart rail project. Sarawak will develop its urban transportation system according to its own model, providing convenient public transportation services for local citizens and tourists; The government will also provide discounted ticket prices to encourage people to use public transportation and electronic payments.

Gu Yifeng(Right) accompanied Abang Haji on a trial ride on the smart rail tram

During the meeting, Gu Yifeng stated that in addition to smart rail trains, CCIG also has new energy buses, municipal vehicles, platform elevators, and hydrogen refueling and production equipment. He is willing to invest more resources in the economic construction of Sarawak, including services such as setting up factories and training institutions in Kuching. The company will actively respond to the government’s “Youth Talent Training Plan”. Currently, four Sarawak subway employees have gone to China to participate in engineer training, and the company will continue to provide training services for vehicle production, manufacturing, and operation maintenance personnel.